Georgia Personal Injury Trial Attorneys

When To See An Attorney About On-the-Job Injuries

By: Fry | Goehring

Even if you don’t have a job where you’re doing physical labor or using heavy-duty equipment, everyone who has a job—even a desk job—has the potential to incur on-the-job injuries. About 3 million people had an employer-reported illness or injury in the private sector in 2015, and injuries while at work can happen in a variety of ways.

It’s an employer’s responsibility to provide medical care and compensation through workers’ compensation. If you’ve been injured while you’re at work, here’s everything you need to know about seeking compensation—including when to see an attorney about on-the-job injuries.


The first thing you need to do is tell your employer that you’ve incurred an injury while working. Of course, if you need immediate medical attention you should seek that out if you are in a life-threatening situation. If any reports or notes have been written about the incident, you should get a copy of those in case you need to hire a lawyer.

After you’ve informed your employer, assuming you’re not being treated for emergency injuries, you will want to see a physician as soon as possible so they can diagnose your injury and prescribe treatment. According to Georgia law, your employer is required to post a traditional panel of physicians that lists at least six professionals that you can choose from OR post a Workers’ Compensation Managed Care Organization with a toll-free number you can call so they can assist you in scheduling an appointment with a physician.


While you hope that everything with your employer goes smoothly and that they provide all the care and compensation that you need, sometimes that’s not the case.

You need to contact an attorney as soon as possible if any of the following occur:

  • Your workplace injuries are severe enough to require surgery.
  • You don’t believe your health will be the same as before your workplace injury.
  • Your employer or your employer’s insurance company is denying your medical benefits.
  • You don’t really understand the workers’ compensation process and would feel better if you had a professional ensuring that everything was working according to the law.

If you or a loved one has suffered or is suffering from a work-related injury or occupational disease in Georgia, let us help you understand your rights.  Let one of the knowledgeable attorneys at the Fry | Goehring guide you through filing your claim. Give us a call today at (404) 948-3571.