Georgia Personal Injury Trial Attorneys

Sunshine Nance

SVP Corporate Communications & Global Marketing | Boxlight

Owner/Designer | Sunkissed Spaces

Sunshine Nance is Senior Vice President of Corporate Communications, where she oversees global marketing and communications for Boxlight and its four technology brands.


Nance began her career at Boxlight in 1996 and in 1999 co-developed and launched Boxlight’s consumer division which quickly grew to over $12M.


In 2007 she and her husband acquired worldwide operations of the company and refocused the business on the education industry after launching the world’s first patented interactive projector. Together they developed products and service programs specific to the needs of educators. During this time, Nance managed all aspects of marketing, human resources, business, and community development.


The company experienced accelerated growth and relocated from Seattle to Atlanta, opening East Coast operations in preparation for Boxlight’s initial public offering. In November 2017, Boxlight was listed on NASDAQ (BOXL) as a publicly traded company.


Boxlight has grown to one of the top interactive flat panel providers in the world and has over a dozen offices worldwide offering solutions in over 80 counties, and was recently named #28 in TIME’s 250 Top EdTech Companies in the World.


Nance studied Communications at Evergreen State in Olympia, Washington. Outside of her career Sunshine is a mom, athlete, designer, and artist. She has completed numerous marathons and triathlons around the world.


Nance spends much of her time fostering philanthropy through her personal and professional relationships, in community development, and via mission groups.

In addition to her Advisory Board role with Fry Goehring, volunteer experience includes;

Volunteer & Fundraiser  | Global (X)

Volunteer | North Point Community Church

Georgia State Lead | National Girls Collaborative Project

3DE Consultancy Advisor | Junior Achievement of Georgia

Sunshine is her real name, and it suits her well.