Georgia Personal Injury Trial Attorneys

4 Basic Entitlements When Injured at the Workplace

By: Fry | Goehring

An on-the-job injury that puts you out of work can be doubly devastating. The loss of income coupled with the cost of medical care is a tremendous burden for the average Georgia family. Fortunately, the law provides for such workplace injuries to prevent undue hardship in the event you are injured in the workplace.


When an employee is injured at work, he/she is generally entitled to receive workers’ compensation, with some occupational exceptions. The Georgia State Board of Workers’ Compensation provides benefits to employees who have been injured in the workplace. Here are 4 benefits you are entitled to if you’ve been hurt on the job.

  1. Medical Insurance Coverage – Your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance covers you for the medical treatment of your injury, including rehabilitation (in some cases), physical therapy, travel expenses, and prescription medications.
  2. Choice of Doctors – Your employer is required to provide a list of a minimum of 6 doctors from whom to choose for treatment. You are entitled to choose from any doctor on the list and may make one change to any other doctor on the list without permission from your employer.
  3. Weekly Income Benefits – If you are injured in the workplace, and have lost over seven days of work, workers’ compensation entitles you to weekly income benefits. You should receive your first benefits check within 21 days of your first missed day of work.
  4. Late Penalty Payment – Your employer or workers’ comp insurance carrier must make timely benefits payments. If benefits are not received when due, they must add a late penalty to your benefits payment.


Notification of these and other rights are required by Georgia law, under O.C.G.A. 34-9-81.1. If you are injured at the workplace and need advice about your rights, an expert on-the-job injury lawyer in Georgia can help you.

Randy E. Fry, of the Fry | Goehring, is a highly compassionate personal injury lawyer in Atlanta with an encyclopedic knowledge of on-the-job injury law. His litigation and negotiation skills have earned him a stellar reputation among his peers, and justice for an extensive list of highly satisfied clients.

Call our office if you have been injured in the workplace and need expert guidance through personal injury law in seeking the compensation due to you.