So you have been in a car wreck? You are understandably frustrated. But keeping a level head can be one of your best assets.
Of course, you should call the police and exchange contact information. But here are 5 things you should know when you have a car wreck.
Move Your Car Out of Danger
In many states, you could be ticketed for not moving your car if you are able to do so. For example, in Georgia, it is the law to move the cars if possible (O.C.G.A. § 40-6-275(c)).
You should move the vehicles involved in the accident from the immediate confines of the roadway to a safe refuge. This can be to the shoulder, emergency lane, median, or to a place otherwise removed from the roadway. This should be done whenever a vehicle can be moved safely, is capable of being normally and safely driven, does not require towing, and can be operated under its own power in its customary manner, without further damage or hazard to itself, to the traffic elements, or to the roadway.
Furthermore, this makes the accident scene safer.
Do Not Admit Guilt
Resist the impulse to admit or even imply guilt, even if it appears you are at fault. Try to avoid phrases like “I’m sorry” or “I know this was my fault”.
Let the police officer make this call of who is at fault.
However, it is important to be polite and courteous. Not only is this the right thing to do, but it can help you if there are complications from the accident.
Take Pictures
Take several pictures of all vehicles involved, as well as of the accident scene.
Always Seek Medical Care
You should always seek medical care following the accident if nothing more than as a check-up to ensure you are not injured in some form or fashion. This provides a record of any injuries and can be extremely valuable when dealing with insurance companies.
Keep Good Records
Keep good records of everything concerning your accident, including, if possible, the contact information of all parties involved in the incident, the police report, and medical records.
Finally, always seek legal advice as soon as possible from an experienced personal injury trial attorney. We at Fry | Goehring are always happy to speak with you, without charge, regarding your options, to better ensure that you are treated fairly by the at-fault party and insurance companies.