Georgia Personal Injury Trial Attorneys

What is MedPay service?


MedPay is a relatively inexpensive service that you can opt into with your auto insurance. While it may slightly increase your insurance bill, it is worth it if you are ever injured in a car accident. You can pay whatever MedPay you want, and every insurance company is different, and prices will vary slightly. A […]

Are All Medical Bills Paid by Your Car Insurance?


When you are in a car accident, it can be confusing to navigate through the process of filing a claim for property damage or personal injury that you received during the accident. If you had to go to the hospital or undergo painful and expensive physical therapy or specialist appointments after the accident, those bills […]

Benefits for suffering occupational accidents on ladders

There are many reasons why a person can have accidents at work on ladders, which can result in serious injuries to the worker involved in the event. Some of the main causes of workplace accidents on ladders are the following: ● Ladders in poor condition. ● Slippery flooring. ● Lack of proper safety equipment. ● […]

¿Todas las facturas médicas son pagadas por su seguro de automóvil?


Cuando tiene un accidente automovilístico, puede ser confuso navegar a través del proceso de presentar un reclamo por daños a la propiedad o lesiones personales que recibió durante el accidente. Si tuvo que ir al hospital o someterse a una fisioterapia dolorosa y costosa o a citas con un especialista después del accidente, es posible […]

Seguridad en bicicleta para todas las edades


Andar en bicicleta es una excelente manera de hacer ejercicio, y también es un pasatiempo divertido que disfrutan personas de todas las edades. Ir en bicicleta al trabajo o a la escuela en días agradables es una forma eficaz de ahorrar dinero en gasolina y reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero (una ventaja […]

What is MedPay?


What is MedPay? MedPay is a relatively inexpensive service you can opt into in your auto insurance. While it might increase your insurance bill slightly, it is worth it if you are ever injured in a vehicle accident. You can pay for the MedPay you want, and each insurance company is different and pricing will […]

Surprise Medical Bills & House Bill 888

Two huge bills, Senate Bill 359 and House Bill 888, have passed to protect the financial well-being of people that use healthcare services in Georgia. Before the twin bills, recipients of healthcare were likely to receive “surprise medical bills” with little to no ability to avoid them. A surprise medical bill would be seen when […]

Are All Medical Bills Paid By Your Auto Insurance?

When you get into a car accident, it can be confusing to navigate through the process of filing a claim for your property damage or personal injuries that you received during the accident. If you’ve had to go to the hospital or go through painful and expensive physical therapy or specialist appointments after the accident, […]

Fatal Hospital Staff Errors

When we go to the hospital for an illness or when we’ve been in an accident, we expect that there is a level of professionalism and care that we receive so that we can heal and go back to our normal lives. Although you may think that the safest place to be is in the […]