Georgia Personal Injury Trial Attorneys

Major road construction accidents


Driving is dangerous enough, having to watch out for reckless or negligent drivers; throw construction and confusing detours due to construction into the mix, and driving can get downright stressful. According to the Federal Highway Administration, between 1982 and 2014 there were 24,745 fatalities in work zone accidents (that’s about 750 per year). The peak […]

Burns at work, more common than you think

Some occupations put workers at higher risk for personal injury than from burns. Especially in the construction and restaurant industries. Within the restaurant industry alone each year there are nearly 12,000 cases of hospitalizations for burns. Cooks, food handlers, kitchen workers and waitresses are among the top 50 occupations at risk for burn injuries in their […]

Be very careful with the amusement parks.

Every year, millions of people visit the nation’s amusement parks, which are a wonderful way to be entertained for people of all ages. Orlando is home to some of the most popular attractions in the world, including Walt Disney World. However, mechanical problems and other defects have injured and even killed dozens of amusement park […]

Benefits for suffering occupational accidents on ladders

There are many reasons why a person can have accidents at work on ladders, which can result in serious injuries to the worker involved in the event. Some of the main causes of workplace accidents on ladders are the following: ● Ladders in poor condition. ● Slippery flooring. ● Lack of proper safety equipment. ● […]

Quemaduras en el trabajo, Más común de lo que crees

Algunas ocupaciones ponen a los trabajadores en mayor riesgo de lesiones personales debido a quemaduras. Especialmente es cierto en las industrias de la construcción y los restaurantes. Solo dentro de la industria de los restaurantes cada año hay cerca de 12.000 casos de hospitalización por quemaduras. Cocineros, personas que manipulan los alimentos, trabajadores de cocina […]

Principales accidentes de construcción de carreteras


Conducir ya es bastante peligroso, teniendo que estar atento a los conductores imprudentes o negligentes; agrega construcción y desvíos confusos debido a la construcción en la mezcla, y conducir puede volverse francamente estresante. Según la Administración Federal de Carreteras, entre 1982 y 2014 ocurrieron 24,745 muertes en accidentes en zonas de trabajo (esto es alrededor de […]

Northside Drive Closed – Why Avoid Construction?

If you use Northside Drive, you should be aware that the bridge between Woodward Way and Wesley Drive will be under construction for the foreseeable future. This means that Northside Drive will be closed until further notice. You can take Peachtree Battle Avenue or Collier road to get around this. Road closures can make travel […]

Work Zone Accident: Confusing Cones

Every driver’s worst nightmare is encountering an unknown variable on a road well-traveled. While work zone cones may create cause for concern, there is an expectation that the work crew will have set up clear directions on how to navigate the temporary road layout or any deters. However, what happens when cones cause confusion? While […]

Top Road Construction Accidents

Driving is already dangerous enough, having to watch out for reckless or negligent drivers; adds construction and confusing detours because of the construction into the mix, and driving can get downright stressful. According to the Federal Highway Administration, 24,745 deaths occurred from 1982-2014 in work zone crashes (this is about 750 per year). The peak year […]