Georgia Personal Injury Trial Attorneys

Finding the Right Doctor After an Accident

By: Fry | Goehring

No one ever expects that an accident will happen to them. Even the most cautious drivers have the potential to be in a car accident at any moment due to another driver’s neglect or inattention. While we hope that you never have to be in that situation, the best and only way to recover from any injuries you have sustained during an accident is to have the absolute best care from your physicians.

If you’ve always been a relatively healthy person, you may not have much experience choosing a doctor or maybe even navigating your healthcare benefits. After you get into an accident—especially if the accident has led to severe injuries—it’s important to have a team of doctors that you can trust to provide excellent care and get you on the road to recovery (or helping you find a new sense of normal after your accident).

Here’s a short guide to finding the right doctor after an accident.


The first thing that you need to do is to talk to your insurance provider about seeking out the services of a doctor that’s in your network. A doctor that’s out of your network can add potentially hundreds or thousands more to your medical bills, which is likely not something that you want.

Work with your insurer to see which doctors or specialists are on your plan and get contact information for all of them. They may also have descriptions and reviews on your insurer’s website, which could be helpful in determining which one is right for your personal situation.


Do you have a general practitioner that you’ve been seeing for years? If you’re in need of a specialist like a physical therapist or a surgeon, they may be the best person to turn to for a referral. Give them a call or make a visit to their office to discuss some options with them.


Reach out to your network of friends and family to see if they know who the best doctors are in town. If they don’t personally know someone, they may reach out to everyone they know to get an answer for you. While it may seem old-fashioned, you’d be surprised at what your network can turn up—it may even be better than a Google search.

The right doctor may be able to help you with your injuries or perform life-saving surgery, but they won’t be much help with your mounting medical bills. If your accident in Georgia was a direct result of someone else’s negligence, you might be able to pursue a lawsuit to get compensation for your medical bills or any lost wages. Hire a legal team that will help you determine if legal action is in your best interest. Call the Fry | Goehring, personal injury attorneys, today at 404.969.1284 to set up a legal consultation.